GeoSeal Tape, Silver (4” x 160’ / 12” x 50’)

GeoSeal Tape, Silver (4” x 160’ / 12” x 50’)

GeoSeal Tape, Silver (4” x 160’ / 12” x 50’)

Model: TVSP4_12
Item is in stock

GeoSeal Tape is a patented single-sided 7-layer gas barrier tape with a release liner for ease of installation. The backing contains a layer of highly impermeable EVOH designed to block migration of radon, methane and VOC’s. An aggressive acrylic adhesive provides outstanding adhesion to polyethylene over a wide temperature range. Typical uses include joining, repairing and sealing gas/moisture barriers. Click here for Product Data Sheet. Available in 4” x 160’ and 12” x 50’ rolls. (MINIMUM $150.00 ORDER)

  • Model: TVSP4_12
  • Shipping Weight: 1lbs

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