Geomembrane Containment Liners


Looking for a liner to contain your liquids and solids? Look no further than GeoCHEM, Inc. Our geomembrane liners are specially designed to provide superior storage and containment, making them perfect for a variety of applications. So if you need a reliable, long-lasting liner to contain your liquids and solids, make sure to choose GeoCHEM, Inc. Our superior storage and containment solutions are sure to meet your needs.

GeoCHEM, Inc. offers a wide range of geomembrane liner in mill roll and custom prefabricated high quality flexible films, sheeting and containment liners up to an acre or more in size ranging in thickness from 3 mil to 120 mil to major markets through the United States and Overseas. Geomembrane liners, film, sheeting, covers and tarps are provided from our distribution centers, prefabrication facilities and direct from manufacturing plants located in the United States.  GeoCHEM, Inc. offers a broad range of proven liners, film, sheeting, tarps and covers, including mono-layer and co-extruded film along with multi-layer barrier film and a wide range of scrim reinforced, coated fabrics, and textured geomembrane liners, covers, landfill caps, interim landfill covers, remediation liners, enclosure films, fumigation covers, grain tarps, silage covers, hay tarps, salt covers, oil pit liners, tank liners, cistern liners, waste water containment liners, sports field covers, pallet covers, secondary containment, primary containment, contaminated soil liners, pond liners, decorative water gardens, fish and koi ponds, under slab vapor barriers, radon barriers, rail car covers and erosion control.

Our geomembrane liners and covers provide U.V. stabilized, GRI-GM membranes with critical NSF certifications when needed.  GeoCHEM, Inc. has an extensive line of geomembrane products that meet specific Performance requirements. We offer a complete line of EVOH gas barriers, Geocomposites, Unsupported Flexible Liners, Reinforced Membranes in polyethylene and polypropylene with smooth or textured surfaces.   

Our extensive lineup of geomembrane products consists of a wide range of liners designed to meet your individual requirements from liquid containment and EVOH gas barriers to long term covering applications.  We hae solutions for containment linings and covering and will find a product for your specific application and assist with any custom design services as needed (Some restrictions including minimums apply).  We provide the most cutting-edge product solutions in the industry.  Capabilities include multi-layer blown/cast film and sheeting, reinforced cast/lamination, conversion, custom fabrication, composite films and structures along with an accredited test and development facility. Our technical developmental process allows us to create next generation lighter, thinner, stronger film and sheeting formulations that provide value added, competitive end-product solutions to outperform heavier-thicker and outdated materials in the industry today.

Our standard and custom geomembrane liners, plastic films, enclosures and barriers are manufactured from a wide range of raw materials and additives.  The diversity of these resins and additives allows for the development team to custom tailor a geomembrane liner, film, barrier or enclosure product to meet with your project requirements.  Whether you need exceptional geomembrane properties for flexibility, longevity or exceptional tear resistance, or if you need a high quality packaging film, barrier film, enclosure, sheeting or high strength construction film it can be developed, it not available in our standard products, to meet your project requirements (Some restrictions including minimums apply),

Geomembrane Resins and Additives Used by the Geomembrane Development Team

Geomembrane Resin and Raw Materials

Additives Include

  • Colorants
  • Anti-microbial
  • Anti-skid
  • Anti-block
  • Anti-static
  • Anti-oxidant
  • Carbon blacks
  • Conductive carbon black
  • Fire retardant additives
  • Slip
  • UV. stabilizers
  • UV. blockers

Resins include:

  • Low-density polyethylene
  • Lineal low-density polyethylene
  • Metallocenes
  • Medium density polyethylene
  • High-density polyethylene
  • Polypropylene
  • Tie Resins
  • Nylon
  • EVOH
  • EVA's

Common Applications:

GEOMEMBRANE LINERS & COVERS:  Oil Field Pit Liners, Remediation Liners & Covers, Pond Liners, Erosion Control covers, Daily Landfill Covers, Interim Landfill Covers, Landfill Caps, 

INDUSTRIAL LINERS & COVERS: Outdoor Covers, Fumigation Covers, Lead & Asbestos Abatement, Stockpile Covers, Rail Car Covers/Liners, Product Wrapping, 

AGRICULTURAL LINERS & COVERS: Grain Covers, Hay/Silage Covers, Poultry House Ceilings, Waste Disposal Liners, Hog Confinement Ceilings, 

CONSTRUCTION FILM & BARRIERS: Enclosure Film, Under-Slab Vapor Retarder, Radon Retarder, Divider Curtains, House Wrap, Crawl Space Vapor Retarder, Gas Barrier

ENERGY LINERS: Reserve Pit Liners, Frac Pit Liners, Evaporation Ponds, Secondary Containment, Water Filtration Ponds, Water Holding Ponds, Non-Skid Deck Liners

HOUSE WRAP: Residential , Commercial, Stucco

LLDPE Liners  | HDPE Alloy Liners | HDPE Alloy Tank Liners | HDPE Liners | Polypropylene Liners | Fish Safe Liners | Geomembrane Patch & Seam Tapes | Accessories

Please feel free to Contact Us with your geomembrane liner questions, requirements, projects, inquiries

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