What are Civil Construction and Land Protection Applications? The implementation of civil construction products for infrastructure involving anything to do with water, earth or transport. Implementation of products supplied to Civil Engineering projects involving the maintenance, design and construction of both natural and physically built environments such as roads, railways, buildings, water reservoirs, airports, bridges, sewer systems, tunnels and dam applications for example.
Applications for Civil Construction and Land Protection Products: Airport Runways, Aprons, Taxiways, Armored Nosing and Joint Repair, Asphalt Overlay, Asphalt Repair, Brownfield and Gas Barriers, Canals and Reservoirs, Concrete Repair, Control Joints, Deep Spall Repair, Stormwater Drainage, Dust Control, Earth Retention, Earthen Liners, Energy Containment Solutions, Filtration, Fuel Containment Solutions, Full Depth Crack Repair, Golf Course and Decorative Ponds, Header and Joint Replacement, Heap Leach Liners, Joint Repair using Existing Headers, Landscape & Green Building Solutions, Leachate Collection Ponds, Load Support, Load Transfer Platforms (LTP), Mining, Oil & Gas, Pit Liners, Protective Surface Overlay, Recreational Trails, Remediation Covers, Liners, Retaining Walls, Road Repair & Maintenance, Road Stabilization, Scour Protection, Site Construction & Infrastructure, Slip Joint Surface Repair, Slope Protection, Shoreline Protection, Soil Remediation, Soil Stabilization, Spill Containment, Spillway, Slope Protection, Stabilization, Stormwater, Wastewater, Traffic Sensor Loop, Transportation, Utility Maintenance Roads, Vegetated Retaining Walls, Walkway Trails, Waste Lagoons, Water Conservation, Wind Energy