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PERCOL Asphalt Welder - 100 Gallon Kit

PERCOL Asphalt Welder - 100 Gallon Kit

PERCOL Asphalt Welder - 100 Gallon Kit

Model: 1205A-100
Item is in stock
This is a 100 Gallon Kit of PERCOL Asphalt Welder (asphalt crack filler), designed to be machine dispensed.
PERCOL Asphalt Welder (asphalt crack filler) polymer for restoring cracked asphalt. This low viscosity, rapid curing polymer penetrates spidered and hairline cracks. Cracks 1/8" and wider are filled with sand then saturated with Asphalt Welder to form a high strength polymer asphalt. Spalls are repaired with 1/4" to 1" aggregates depending on size and depth of spall.
  • Model: 1205A-100
  • Shipping Weight: 1000lbs

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