Product Line

Civil Engineering Performance ProductsCivil engineers need to deal with traditional construction materials as well as advanced materials. Traditional construction materials, such as timber, steel, asphalt and Portland cement concrete are often used in many construction projects.  Modern materials, such as polymers and composites are making headway into the civil construction industry. Significant research on these materials has led to better understanding of these products and has improved their strength and durability.  New modern materials are being specially developed to satisfy the needs of civil engineering products and applications. To a civil engineer, the performance of materials and their ability to perform are of prime importance.

What are Civil Construction and Land Protection Products?  Materials supplied for projects that involve the maintenance, design and construction of both natural and physically built environments such as roads, railways, buildings, water reservoirs, airports, bridges, sewer systems, tunnels and dams which provide for the creation of infrastructure involving anything to do with water, earth or transportation.

High Quality Performance Products: We are dedicated to providing you, our customers, with highest quality of performance products and support services.  Our philosophy of keeping your best interests in mind when making recommendations is shared by each and every employee.  We strive to maintain a long term, trusting relationship with our customers. We want to earn your trust.  Each time you have an occasion to use our products and support services we will demonstrate that integrity plays a role in everything we do.

GeoCHEM, Inc. Quality Products:  We are a fully engineered civil construction and land protection products supply company distributing and manufacturing, under private label, a diversified line of products for stormwater containment, liquid management, environmental protection, dust abatement, pavement preservation, soil stabilization and erosion control. Geomembrane containment liners, secondary containment berms, flexible liquid containment tanks and bladders for liquid management, geocell cellular confinement, geogrids, geotextiles, grass pavers, gravel pavers, porous pavers, structural matting, access matting, portable matting, scour protection mats, turf protection mats, a line of agriculture, horticulture, ornamental and turf products, our rapid pavement repair polymers and slurries for asphalt and concrete, and our dust control and stabilization polymers.

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